Celebrating Black History Month

February is black history month, a time where we can celebrate and honor the amazing people of the black community. Mary Mcleod Bethune was an educator and activist, serving as president of the National Association of Colored Women who fought for racial and gender equality.

At GooseWaddle, we believe that diversity in play at a young age is an important part of teaching love and acceptance to all human beings, regardless or race, gender or disability. Parker the Woodland Princess is one of the many beautiful faces of our dolls with a purpose collection. Each doll represents someone who is special to us, having special characteristics that make them who they are. Parker is named after an amazing African American teacher in our community, who works with children on the spectrum. Much like the real Mrs. Parker, Parker promotes diversity, compassion and courage to everyone around her. Let’s spread love and acceptance not only during February, but everyday, in an effort to make the world around us a better place.

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