Steps to make nursing more comfortable for Mom

Breastfeeding isn’t easy and comes with a learning curve.  A new Mom breastfeeding on demand will spend hours a day nursing.  Each nursing session can last from 20 minutes to 45 minutes around the clock, day and night.  Moms really are superheroes!  While providing your infant with the best nutrition possible, don’t forget to take care of yourself!  Here are our tips for staying comfortable while nursing.  

  1. The earlier you start breastfeeding, the more likely you'll be to tap into your baby's innate abilities to latch on, so start breastfeeding as soon as your baby is born. This makes the process easier for both of you, as well as keeping your milk supply strong.  Consult with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant as soon as possible to make sure the baby has a good latch so that you don’t have to endure pain from an improper latch or other issues that may be caught by a lactation consultant.
  2. Find a comfortable place or two in your home to nurse and set it up for your comfort.  Don’t endure back or neck pain from sitting on a hard surface or having to lean in an uncomfortable position.  Find a corner of a couch or a nice recliner (my favorite!) with some pillows.  If you have somewhere to prop your feet up, even better.  Place a pillow behind your back or against the side of the couch under your arm to get comfy.  I used a recliner in the living room (I stole my husband’s recliner during this season of nursing) and also created a comfortable spot in my bedroom for the late night feedings.  
  3. Use supports that will keep your infant at breast level and not cause you to lean forward causing back and neck pain.  My favorite is GooseWaddle’s Comfy Cradle.  This adjustable cushion wraps around your arm and supports and helps raise the baby’s head for a more comfortable nursing position.  It can be used for the cross body hold, the football hold and many other nursing positions.  It’s also much smaller than other nursing cushions and can be put in a purse or diaper bag and carried with you for comfort and support while you are nursing out and about.  Plus, it’s offered in numerous cute designs! 
  4. Once you’ve created a comfortable place and position for you, don’t forget to keep your essentials nearby.  If a small table is not available next to your nursing spot, I would put a TV tray or basket within reach.  You will always want a full cup of water, maybe a snack (granola bar, etc.), lip balm, burp cloths, and your phone within reach.  Go ahead and think of extra things you may need or want such as ointment for sore nipples, something to play music or your favorite book or audiobook.  
  5. Lastly, and most importantly, your health is of the utmost importance.  Reach out for help when needed.  This can be something as small as asking someone to refill your drink or having someone watch the baby for you to nap.  If you need help with breastfeeding, reach out to a local lactation consultant, that's what they are there for!  Be sure to schedule “you time” when you can (this may feel impossible, but it is so important).  Schedule a massage or pedicure or just go walk around your favorite store.  If things seem overwhelming, reach out to your doctor or your child’s pediatrician right away for help so you can get back to feeling good and be your best for you and your baby!  

Your health and comfort are important, so take the needed steps to make this journey as a new Mom as comfortable as you can!  A happy Mom equals a happy baby.  

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